Quiz time!
Go to Station 4 and collect a Quiz Form. Answer these questions about Leiden, European City of Science 2022 and get one point for each correct answer.
- Ludolph van Ceulen was the one to calculate the first 35 numbers of the value of the ratio between the circumference and the diameter of a circle. What is this value called?
- Niko Tinbergen laid the foundation for a completely new branch of biology. What is this branch called?
- The Leyden jar invention, which made storing electricity possible, is still widely used today. In which product?
- This professor introduced bedside lessons for his pupils, changing the way medicine is taught forever. Who is he?
- Professor Jon van Rood discovered that human leukocyte antigens regulate the immune system. What did this discovery lead to?
- Willem Einthoven refined the first-string galvanometer and was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1924. What is it used for?
- A true icon of biotechnology resides in Museum Naturalis in Leiden. What is the name of this icon?