Published on: September 7, 2022

Between September 14 and 18, the 104 participants to the EU TalentOn will be working in 26 teams spread over five Mission Arenas. Fed by industry and academia and guided by Mission Navigator Henrik Scheel, each team is challenged to come up with ideas tackling issues on climate adaptation, water, soil, smart cities and cancer. On Friday September 16, they are ready to share their preliminary ideas: with you! Join the Public Pitches & Prizes in Pesthuis to see what the teams have been up to, and vote for which ideas should win the Public Prize. The prizes are awarded by alderman of Economy, Sports, Health & Science of Leiden, Fleur Spijker. Hosts for the evening are Noel de Miranda (Young Academy Europe) and Cristiana Strava (Young Academy Leiden).

So how does it work? Each EU TalentOn team sends one representative to the Public Pitches & Prizes. There, they have one minute to share their preliminary ideas with those in the room, and gather comments and feedback. After each pitch, the sound of clapping hands is measured. Those teams with the highest decibel in claps wins the Public Prize of 500,- within their Mission Arena! This is the last chance for the teams to test their ideas before the pitches to the Grand Jury on Saturday September 17.

Interested to know what these teams of Bright Young Minds have been working on? Then join the Public Pitches & Prizes! Sign up through this link.

19:00 – 20:00 Walk-in & drinks at Pesthuis
20:00 – 21:15 Introduction and Pitches by teams in Mission Arenas 1, 2 and 5
21:15 – 21:30 Break
21:30 – 22:10 Pitches by teams in Mission Arena 3 and 4
22:10 – 22:30 Awarding of the Public Prizes by alderman Fleur Spijker

Pesthuislaan 1, Leiden